On 21 July 2009, at 8 pm, place at Laboratory Bioly 3B, we had done second experiment about protein. That day we had undergo 2 experiment that are protein assay and some of the application of protein which is making a protein glue. At first, I am quite confused and thought that this experiment is very difficult. But, after discused and cooperated with the other group members, then eventually we came up with the result as below...For information, our group just did Biuret assay experiment...

From this experiment, I found that concentration of protein in sample egg Gred B is higher than Gred A. Then between all of the three Gred, Gred C has lower concentration of protein. Meanwhile, the concentration of protein in egg duck is 13.58 mg/mL. It shows that, concentration of protein of duck is higher than sample egg Gred C which is 10.79mg/mL, but lower thar than sample egg Gred A (14.42mg/mL) and egg Gred B (17.82mg/mL).
From the observation above, we can conclude here that, Gred of egg is not influence by the concentration of protein in the egg.
I had this information from http://www.dvssel.gov.my/penternak/ayam/ayam penelur.html, it state that, In Malaysia egg is classified into several Gred based on the weight. The Gred are AA,A,B,C,D.
Besides that, as stated at http://www.aeb.org/Learn more/EggFacts.htm#grading- In the grading process, egg are examine for both interior and exterior quality and are sorted egg according to weight (size). There is no difference in nutritive value between the different grades.
Because of production and marketing methods have become very efficient, egg move so rapidly from lying house to market that we can find very little differences in quality between Grade AA, and A. Although Grade B are just as wholesome to eat, they rate lower in appearance when broken out.
Here i want to respond about Omega-3 egg. Before that, first time I heard about Omega-3 egg, my brain full with question. I am eager to know what are the differences between Omega-3 egg with the other egg that we can find at grocery. Why the name is Omega-3? Or sometimes I think that how is the chicken that lay the Omega-3 look like..hehe..
Then after i have read several article about Omega-3 egg, now I know that, actually Omega-3 egg same as the classic egg we all know, except they contain higher level of the polyunsaturated fatty acid called Omega-3. Omega-3 fatty acid are commonly found in fish and fish oil as well as canola oil, soybean, flexseed. For many years, it has been known that polyunsaturated fatty acids play a role in reducing the risk of heart disease. Current research findings suggest that omega-3 fatty acids help lower blood triglyceride levels. Omega-3 fatty acids are also required for normal growth, development and good vision.
Omega-3 enriched egg are produced by altering the diet of laying hens. Hens are fed a special
diet which contains 10-20% ground flaxseed. Flaxseed is higher in omega-3 fatty acids and lower in saturated fatty acids than other grains. As a result, the eggs produced from hens on this feed formula are higher in omega-3 fatty acids. The total fat content and cholesterol level of the egg remain very similar.

Thank you~~

From this experiment, I found that concentration of protein in sample egg Gred B is higher than Gred A. Then between all of the three Gred, Gred C has lower concentration of protein. Meanwhile, the concentration of protein in egg duck is 13.58 mg/mL. It shows that, concentration of protein of duck is higher than sample egg Gred C which is 10.79mg/mL, but lower thar than sample egg Gred A (14.42mg/mL) and egg Gred B (17.82mg/mL).
From the observation above, we can conclude here that, Gred of egg is not influence by the concentration of protein in the egg.
I had this information from http://www.dvssel.gov.my/penternak/ayam/ayam penelur.html, it state that, In Malaysia egg is classified into several Gred based on the weight. The Gred are AA,A,B,C,D.
Besides that, as stated at http://www.aeb.org/Learn more/EggFacts.htm#grading- In the grading process, egg are examine for both interior and exterior quality and are sorted egg according to weight (size). There is no difference in nutritive value between the different grades.
Because of production and marketing methods have become very efficient, egg move so rapidly from lying house to market that we can find very little differences in quality between Grade AA, and A. Although Grade B are just as wholesome to eat, they rate lower in appearance when broken out.
Here i want to respond about Omega-3 egg. Before that, first time I heard about Omega-3 egg, my brain full with question. I am eager to know what are the differences between Omega-3 egg with the other egg that we can find at grocery. Why the name is Omega-3? Or sometimes I think that how is the chicken that lay the Omega-3 look like..hehe..
Then after i have read several article about Omega-3 egg, now I know that, actually Omega-3 egg same as the classic egg we all know, except they contain higher level of the polyunsaturated fatty acid called Omega-3. Omega-3 fatty acid are commonly found in fish and fish oil as well as canola oil, soybean, flexseed. For many years, it has been known that polyunsaturated fatty acids play a role in reducing the risk of heart disease. Current research findings suggest that omega-3 fatty acids help lower blood triglyceride levels. Omega-3 fatty acids are also required for normal growth, development and good vision.
Omega-3 enriched egg are produced by altering the diet of laying hens. Hens are fed a special
diet which contains 10-20% ground flaxseed. Flaxseed is higher in omega-3 fatty acids and lower in saturated fatty acids than other grains. As a result, the eggs produced from hens on this feed formula are higher in omega-3 fatty acids. The total fat content and cholesterol level of the egg remain very similar.

Thank you~~